
Monday, March 12, 2012

Gorilla Glue, I love you!

So, my most recent triumph involves a spindle, some water, and my old friend Gorilla Glue.  I don't know who invented this stuff, but I really believe it should be the eighth wonder of the world.  I've fixed leaky rubber gloves, too many toys to count, door handles and now my spindle, all with the glue of the Gorilla. 

This past weekend I made a point to do all my schoolwork on Friday so I would have all of Saturday morning free for felting and spinning.  Well, after working on my latest little lime green feltie, I decided some spinning was in order.  I've been working away at spinning some Jacob and as I was going to be away from home on Saturday, I'd packed my spindle and tons of fiber.  Alas, when I pulled out the spindle I noticed the tip where the hook screws in was beginning to split.  I was a bit discouraged, but having a rubber band in my purse I managed to McGyver it into shape well enough to do some spinning.  I knew however, that a more permanent fix would have to be found.  Enter the Gorilla!  When I got home, I carefully wet the areas and applied the tiniest amount of glue you can imagine.  I've learned this stuff is seriously expandable and to be conservative.  I set the spindle aside for the requisite 2 hours and hoped for the best.  Wala! The miracle of modern science worked and my spindle is back in business.  Good as new and spins like a dream. 

This wasn't my only fiber adventure of the weekend. I also dyed some roving using Wilton's Icing dye, in pretty blues and teals.  The plan is to spin this fiber and ply it with some burgandy, green, and blue that is already spun.  Here it is:
I've also been busily washing small batches of lovely Merino cross wool I aquired in a trade.
Here it is drying on mesh clipped to a laundry basket.  I'm itching to comb and spin this and make something delicious.
Also, last but not least, this little creature is coming to life:
Who is he, you may ask?  Only time will tell!  Happy week!

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